Recent Additions

Moving trees north to save the forests

Brian Palik and the Cutfoot ASCC Site were featured in an article detailing assisted migration.

Read the latest on the ASCC Network: “These scientists are taking an unconventional approach to save forests: Cutting down trees"

The Southern New England Exurban Affiliate Oak site and Christopher Riely were recently featured in the Providence Journal.

Read Our February 2024 Newsletter!

Read our recap on all the updates across the ASCC Network in 2023 in the Network Newsletter. Thank you to everyone for your work in 2023.

Recent article on ASCC: “Future-Proofing Forests” at the John Prince Research Forest

The recent Vancouver Sun article highlighted Dr. Ché Elkin as part of the discussion on “future-proofing” forests.  

Stay Up-to-Date on ASCC Happenings with our July 2023 Newsletter

Read the latest updates from across the ASCC Network in the Network Newsletter.