Project Area:
The John Prince Research Forest is leading the development of an ASCC instillation project site within British Columbia’s Central Interior Plateau. The research forest is collaboratively managed by the Tl’azt’en First Nation and the University of Northern British Columbia. The land is representative of Canada’s dry sub-boreal spruce biogeoclimatic zone and covers more than 16,000 hectares, the largest such research forest in North America. The territory includes two large lakes, hundreds of kilometers of streams, and more than 2,000 hectares of wetlands. Located within the territory of the Tl’azt’en and Nak’azdli First Nations, this working forest is a dynamic laboratory for the ecological and cultural impacts of climate change, and the management activities that might ameliorate those effects.
Learn more about the John Prince Research Forest here.
Site Leads & Partners:
Dr. Che Elkin, (Northern Arizona University), Sue Grainger (University of Northern British Columbia), and Dr. Kristen Waring (Northern Arizona University) are the site leads for the John Prince Research Forest ASCC site. Key partners include Colorado State University, Natural Resources Canada, and the Northern Institute for Applied Climate Science.